
Questions? 981257161701731-2660598053535368


The Library aims to play a proactive and important role in the teaching learning process.

The Library has a collection of about 2250 print volumes, journals and an array of electronic resources. The print collection includes books, monographs, research reports, and back volumes of periodicals etc.

The Library, as a matter of policy, stocks only limited number of copies of main textbooks for each course. Most of these are available either only for reference or short-term loan. Therefore, students are advised to buy their own personal copies of the text books.

In addition to the professional reading the library provides a good amount of leisure reading and books for soft skills development. All subjects related to the Pharmacy’s academic and research programmes have been included in the collection. Print resources of the Library have been divided into General Collection, and Reference Collection.

If you Have Any Questions Call Us On 9812571617, 01731-266059, 8053535368

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